Whine? Yes, please.

Between 4:15 am and 4:45 am, the whining starts.

There is no snooze button.

Harper B is a reliable and effective alarm clock.

Pozy and Harper ❤️

You cannot really ignore a whining dog. What if this is the one time she really needs to go out? What if she can’t get up?

This morning the whining started at about 4:30 am.

I did what I always do — I got up.

Happily — and not just because I am a morning person.

Because I know all too well that one day the morning will be silent.

But not today — and isn’t that amazing?! I get to wake up to a 13+ year old Berner — how incredibly fortunate am I?

Happy Thursday, Friend 🩷

Is She?

The time has come to consult the Magic Eight Ball. Is Capella pregnant?

The Magic Eight Ball says…


When looking at data, we need to be sure to evaluate our sources. The Magic Eight Ball is a fun — albeit weak — source of data. We need, therefore, additional data to decide if Capella is pregnant or not, and from a source that is more reliable.

An ultrasound.


The ultrasound today agreed with the Magic Eight Ball — Capella is not pregnant. Truthfully, that was my prediction as well so I am not surprised.

I will take a minute to be disappointed and then get to work — we have a Specialty in…

And we will try again in May — summer is a great time of year for puppies 🍀
