Sparkle’s physical therapist worked some magic and got her level of care elevated. As a result, Sparkle and I spent a good part of yesterday at WestVet Boise.
This is from the Discharge Summary:
“Sparkle presented for evaluation of a non-weight bearing lameness of the right hind limb. A surgery consultation and radiology consultation was performed that demonstrates concerns for a bony lesion of the right hip vs disease of the right knee. For further assessment, we are recommending a CT scan to be performed to evaluate the pelvis to examine for lytic lesions of the right hip and eliminate the artifact appreciated on the x-rays.”
The CT scan happens today.
In these kinds of situations, it is important to understand the why of what we are doing to our dog to ensure that the potential benefit outweighs the burden. Just because we can doesn’t mean we should.
The reason I am doing a CT scan on a Berner who is nearing 12 years old is because I need more information. I cannot make the best and most informed decisions for Sparkle without knowing what the heck is going on with her.
Sparkle is comfortable and resting up for the day.
Thank you for your good thoughts on behalf of this wonderful and sparkling girl 💖