I love new beginnings!
I know that any hour of any day can represent a beginning, but there is just something about a brand New Year. It is like a clean slate just waiting for the magical story to be written — and illustrated, of course.
A New Year also represents an ending — the completion of the chapter that was last year. I hope the ending of 2019 slams the door shut on Berkeley’s mysterious illness, and the Bad Luck Breeding Curse that snaked through 2019.
But like any year, 2019 delivered so many reasons to spark gratitude — I choose to notice those things instead of focusing on what did not go as quite as planned. For example…
Thank you to everyone who supported Berkeley’s little family as her parents kept her alive. That is not hyperbole — they seriously kept that child alive and her cognitive abilities intact through their diligence. I saw firsthand what it took from them — they were exhausted and terrified for months — and every one of you who supported them in all the different ways made a difference. You shared your Little Soldiers, and it mattered more than you can know. #gratitude
To all of you who love our Kaibab puppies — thank you. I can only breed my dogs because people like you will take up the task of loving them when our 8 - 9 weeks with them are done. Thank you for their interesting and well-loved lives, and for being valued members of our Kaibab community.
Ze.D and Nikko
We achieved some significant Dog Goals in 2019.
First, we ended the year with the same four dogs — that is always my #1 Hope for a New Year. Harper, Sparkle, Daisy, and Claire — all present and accounted for, and in good health. I do not take any of that for granted.
Second, Harper B for Big Year earned her CD and NDD, making her a BMDCA Working Dog. Given everything she has been through in her life, I am so pleased that we finally were able to accomplish this. Harper B for Big Heart also earned the Specialty Triathlete award — very cool.
Third, Sparkle finished her CDX and that gave her the BMDCA Working Dog Excellent award. This is a difficult award to earn, and I am thrilled that Sparkle followed in her mother’s paw prints in completing the requirements for that award. Zoey’s iPups are an incredible litter — every single one of them — and they are not done living out their mother’s amazing legacy.
Fourth, although she primarily took the year off to train and mature (and not have puppies — sigh), Claire earned her NDD and that made her a BMDCA Versatility Dog; she was also a 2019 Specialty Triathlete.
Wonderful accomplishments for the Kaibab Dogs who live here — and I know so many of you also had 2019 Accomplishments worth celebrating. Congratulations, all around.
2020. Here we come.
Harper and I will be learning Nose Work — thanks to Oregon Terri :)
Sparkle — if the Fertility Goddess is on our side, Tiny Sparks are starting to flicker (everything crossed). Sparkle will also make her Utility debut later this year and hopefully accumulate some additional agility and draft titles — and become a veteran.
Daisy will get busy showing off her potential. Agility, draft, tracking — oh my.
But 2020 is Claire’s Year — so much in store for her. Stay tuned for all the fun while she works to steal the spotlight…
Claire stealing the Magic Unicorn from her mom.
But always, our hope and wish for the New Year is health and happiness for all.