I love this update. It makes me SO happy. This is Moonshadow Dad Mike reporting about Moonshadow Porter:
“The day we picked up Porter and brought him to his new home was the start of a love affair. I've had Labs and Goldens my whole life so I was used to good hearted big dogs but this little guy was something special.
By the second night he would sleep all night in his crate and didn't wake us up until 8 am. Potty training was a breeze and he learned quickly, from my Lab Micah, to be a landscaper! He has been to Puppy Schools with his litter mate Obi and they both did very well!
Unfortunately I've had back problems that caused a fall & ruptured the Quad in my knee. So he had to be my wellness dog instead of learning to track or scent train.
Moonshadow Mike — HEAL! ❤️
He loves his humans, Mom, Dad and his Uncle Bert.
Oh and let me not forget his brother from another mother Micah. Those two play so hard yet they settle down, after a short while, in the house with us every night.
Just a beautiful loving boy…”
A recent painting done of this beloved boy.
I think our dogs are like a mirror, reflecting back things about ourselves.
The way we describe them matters — do we tell a problem-saturated story that reflects our typical problem-saturated storylines about everything in our life? Or do we have the ability to look at what is imperfect and see the joy, the good, the wonder?
It’s a choice and one that benefits — or burdens — the object of our narrative, and ourselves.
I read Mike’s update and I thought (yet again), “what an amazingly Good Human.” Porter is so very lucky to live with Mike and Patty.
Thank you, Mike and Patty — and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONSHADOW PORTER.