Great Expectations

I love goals! They are road maps, helping us arrive at a planned destination. I seriously have a list of Dog Goals on my refrigerator.

Goal not met? So what?! Nobody takes away your birthday if a goal needs to be changed or adjusted.

Goal not met? So what?! Nobody takes away your birthday if a goal needs to be changed or adjusted.

But goals can be a double-edged sword.

Goals generate certain expectations of ourselves and others. For example, to meet my goal Sparkle is required to master the exercises in the utility class. It is not Sparkle’s idea to learn which glove to grab or which jump to take — that is my agenda, my expectation, my goal.

Humans have an unfortunate tendency to react with anger, disappointment, and/or frustration when we do not get what we want or think we deserve from others. Even if we mute our response, those reactions are emotional triggers to dogs.

It is the nature of dogs to be keenly aware and responsive to their humans, and a message that there is something not quite right won’t be missed.

But it is the nature of a human to experience a full range emotions — in fact, it is a Bad Sign if we cannot.

So how are we to manage this seeming conundrum in Life with Dogs — the human need to emote but in ways that do not negatively impact a dog’s performance?

Easy peasy — we change our thinking.

Thought Feeling.jpg

Thoughts are what trigger emotions, and unless you are being remote controlled by one of your electronic devices, you are in charge of what you think — and therefore, what you feel.

An emotional response to, '“Damn dog is blowing me off again” or “This is humiliating” will be very different from thinking, “How can I better support her understanding of my expectation?” or “I love this dog so much!”

This where the assumption of good intentions leap into the conversation.

Unless you are Miss Polly Perfect, it is much more likely that your dog’s so-called failure to meet your expectations is due to YOU. She wasn’t trained well enough for the conditions, you are being a Hot Freaky Mess, your cues got all stiff and weird in the ring, and so on.

If we assume good intentions of the dog — that she is doing her very best with the information and training we have provided — it is hard to be frustrated and disappointed with said dog.

However, we must be careful not to transfer the negativity to ourselves. Holding the dog blameless while mentally beating ourselves up for being an imperfect human being keeps the bad vibes in the training relationship.

FYI: An imperfect human being is the only kind there is. Are you a robot?!

You, the imperfect human being, are doing your best. Assume good intentions of yourself — your dog already does.

When we remove all that negativity in our thinking — about the dog and/or ourselves — we transform our training.

I have the ability to manage my thinking — and therefore feelings — around goals and expectations but even more, I have Perspective — and that is the real secret to keeping Life with Dogs infused with joy even when we miss our mark.

Oh Zoey — how I wish I could have one more hour with you.

Zoey Dec 16.jpg

And because she knew that she was nothing but pure joy to me, she would choose to spend that hour training — and it would look like this:

Grand Champion. Utility Dog. Multiple High in Trial Dog. Tracking Dog Excellent. Draft Dog. Brace Draft Dog. Excellent Agility titles. Versatility Dog Excellent. Working Dog Excellent. Versatile Companion Dog 3. Top Producer. Heart Dog. #noregrets

Grand Champion. Utility Dog. Multiple High in Trial Dog. Tracking Dog Excellent. Draft Dog. Brace Draft Dog. Excellent Agility titles. Versatility Dog Excellent. Working Dog Excellent. Versatile Companion Dog 3. Top Producer. Heart Dog. #noregrets

Dream your big dreams, and have those great expectations. But just know that a dog’s life is short — do you really want to waste one second of it on frustration, anger, and/or disappointment?

I don’t.

2019 Tracking Test and etc.

Alison sent this cool photo of a moose that she took yesterday on a walk.

Alison's Moose.jpg

I love the homely gawkiness of moose — they are beautiful in their special moose way. Thank you, Alison!

Can you see why I took this photo?

Bluebird of Happiness june 2019.jpg

Bluebirds are the symbol of happiness — a bright burst of a reminder to pay attention to what is cheerful and happy. Nature’s PING to our psyche.

Yesterday was the Tracking Test, which is held in the most amazing place.

sign blackfoot.jpg

Base camp for the test is always at the campground at Harper’s Lake…

harper Lake.jpg

It turns out there was not a track for Claire after all, but I brought scones, took photos, cheered on the other teams, and enjoyed the day.

Claire has twice been first alternate this year in TDX tests — what that means is her amazing day is in the future.

Claire on a rock June 2019.jpg

And then I came home and found a TICK in my hair! ACK!

Okay — let’s see how to reframe that…

Isn’t it wonderful that I was able to be in a place so wild and natural that ticks can live? That I have that ability to be out in such a place, hiking around, taking photos — and picking up crawly hitchhikers?

Life is all about coexisting with the Bluebirds of Happiness and the blood-sucking ticks — with an occasional moose thrown in for fun.

And isn’t it just awesome?!

Ponder, If You Would

I am serving as a Ring Steward for the four-day Missoula dog show. This means I basically manage — and watch — one of the conformation rings.

Oh My.

So much to say.

But for now I ask you to consider what it means when a person is concerned about a dog “getting away” with something.

Not what it means about a dog.

What it means about a human.

And what thoughts, feelings, and legitimized actions proceed from a belief that a dog is pulling a fast one.

Life with Dogs — so fascinating.