More Fun

Yesterday we took a hike at a wildlife refuge about four miles from our house…

Harper B for Best Life, 10+ years, came along…

Today is Buddha-Bison Day at Camp Sister — and more pickleball! I hope your day is a fun one as well.

Adventures with Family

Much to everyone’s amazement, we all survived the parents’ first ever night away from the children. It helped that I had an Assistant Child Wrangler in Dear Daughter…

Nicole with kids.jpg

The dogs helped as well…

Pozy, Berkeley and Capella

Pozy, Berkeley and Capella

As soon as the parents arrived home, we scattered. Our favorite spot was people-free so we were able to stop there for our break between Boise and Montana.

Pozy River August 2021.jpg

Pozy was grateful — she loves water.

Pozy River 2021.jpg

That drive is desolate and beautiful — and often feels like I am driving through a wildlife refuge.

Mountain Goat.jpg


Capella: Did you miss me?

Rosebud: Not really.

Rosebud and Capella August 2021.jpg

In addition to a busy work week — all remote thanks to those stoking the pandemic again — we needed to get home to welcome our visitor!

That is Claire with Merlin from the Moonshadows! He is spending a few days with us, and Capella is especially thrilled about this.

Hope your day has you leaping for joy.