I am so lucky that I get to see Atlas on a sort of regular basis — because that means I also get to see some of my most favorite humans as well ❤️ Boise is brimming with my favorites.
Kira sends us this update:
“Happy Birthday to the Bright Stars from Atlas and family.
Atlas is maturing into a determined, smart, energetic dog.
Atlas loves his “tribe” ( immediate family and extended family) but would rather people outside of it just not come around.
He is often dubbed the fifth child of the family and a definite “mama’s boy!” Everyone knows where to find me just by following Atlas. He is also very attached to his big canine brother, Onyx. They truly love each other.
Atlas is quite certain he is a lap dog and is unaware of his sturdy size. He weighs in at about 125lbs and is 27” tall.
He is the absolute love of our family and we just couldn’t imagine life without him. He greets everybody every morning as they stumble out and then expects belly rubs.
As I’ve said before, he came to us unexpectedly but at the absolute right time.”
That Boy!!!! I love him!!! Thank you, Kira, for the update and to all of you for giving Atlas the life he deserves ❤️
Our tenth and final update is about Capella ⭐️
She is perfect. That sums it up.
Easy, happy, smart, lovely. Perfect.
This morning we tracked for the first time in a bit — it got REALLY cold and then it snowed a bunch so we had to wait for the snow to compact down a bit. It was so fun to be back in action and this was her first time tracking with this much snow. You can really see the cross track action when there is snow — that is a busy wildlife field!
And so much gratitude to each and every Bright Star family for sharing updates ❤️ I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I love these dogs from start to finish, and staying in touch is how people communicate they understand that. Thank you.