A Busy Week & Some Related News

Halloween in Alaska! This is Bright Star Suki ⭐️

Linda reports that four hardy trick-or-treaters showed up — they make them tough up there! Thank you, Linda 💖

Earlier in the week I did a quick two-day trip to Montana.

I had a work meeting I wanted to do in-person and I also scheduled Pozy for a spay and gastropexy with our wonderful veterinarian, Sr. Shoni Card. Being back in Montana — even so briefly — was wonderful, and I feel so lucky to have a foot in two places now.

Capella at Fort Missoula

Capella and Harper went along as well, and enjoyed their walk at Fort Missoula while Pozy was not enjoying her day at the vet. This is Harper B.

I didn’t get to visit with everyone I miss up there but I will on my next trip in December (ahem — Almighty Heidi).

Pozy is recovering well from her surgery.

Pozy and Sparkle

There are various reasons I had decided not to breed Pozy but the reason I spayed her now was so that her next heat cycle would not influence Capella’s next heat cycle. I want Capella to have a normal cycle, free from being brought in early by another girl (they tend to cycle together) because (drum roll please 🥁)…


It is time to get busy on the N for New Beginnings Litter. Yes, I will be breeding Capella in early 2025.

It is time.


Happy Sunday, Friends ❤️

Happy Halloween!

Got fun Halloween pics? Please send my way and I will add to this post. This is Bright Star Atlas.

iPup George — loved and missed, and celebrating only treats at the Rainbow Bridge.

Even though she is a teenager, Harper Bee went trick or treating!


The New Landscape

Now that I have (mostly) arrived on the other side of “WTF Just Happened?!” — a three-plus year process of loss, betrayal, endings, cleaning, remodeling (house and self), wildfire, life in a true crime show, death of my dad, sudden loss of beloved Claire, and so on — I want to introduce what the new landscape is looking like.


But first — answers to commonly asked questions. I moved to Idaho to be closer to family and friends. I did not retire — I am working remotely with trips to campus as needed. Online teaching is a thing now.

I planned this move for some time and so had been looking at houses online for months and months. This house popped up on Zillow at about 5 pm one day. Within an hour, Dear Friends (Cindy and Kira) had driven by it for me. Within two hours of the listing being live, my realtor and Dear Daughter-in-Law were touring it while FaceTiming me. I made an offer that same night. I knew it was my house.

Well, more to the point — I knew it was my YARD.

It is, of course, all about the dogs.

The offer was accepted and the wheels of change continued to turn — but on this change, I felt like I had some control. A very novel experience after the past few years!

Space to train my dogs was at the top of my priority list for a new house. I also needed a neighborhood that would be conducive to my country dogs adjusting to city life.

This place could not be more perfect. It is an older neighborhood with large yards — I have 1/2 acre and everyone else seems to have at least that as well. The backyard is flat and fully fenced — and I even have a covered deck, which was on my “want list".

With input and help from my fabulous friends, the yard was planned out and a wonderful landscape company hired to turn the vision into reality.

There is more to do in the Spring but for now — it is perfect.