N for Nerd Alert

Knowing LH0 — the day that the luteinizing hormone begins the pre-ovulatory surge — is an accurate way to predict the whelping date. It seems more precise than using date of ovulation, although knowing when a dog has ovulated is also useful data.

There is, however, slightly different info on what constitutes LH0.

Dr. Patrick Concannon, a well-regarded seminal-in-the-field researcher who studied canine reproduction for decades, identified LH0 as an “increase in progesterone from levels of 0.3 - 08 ng to levels of 0.9 to 3.0 ng/ml” (Concannon, 2000, Table 1). I have used his work for years and found it accurate.

Recent research by Hollinshead and Hanlon (2019) resulted in the authors’ estimating progesterone at LH0 to be 2.7 ± 0.6 ng/ml. I closely tracked Claire’s breeding four years ago using their data with excellent success (n=10 with fresh chilled semen).

Capella’s progesterone numbers are a bit of a conundrum in terms of establishing LH0.

Establishing LH0 matters for two reasons. First, it allows a highly accurate prediction of due date and that matters a lot; puppies cannot survive if they arrive early or late. Second, the window of fertilization is thought to be no more than about two days — we need to carefully time the breedings.

Optimal breeding days are LH 4 - 6.

Laying it all out like this makes me wish we could have gotten a breeding today. I feel confident that LH0 was Wednesday, 12/11. That said, tomorrow and Tuesday should also be optimal breeding days — especially tomorrow.

I love data.

Happy Sunday.


N for News

The kids and I made Christmas cookies while the progesterone results were percolating.


Capella is at 5.4 — ovulation is happening and the breedings are planned for Monday and Tuesday 🍀

N for Nail Biter

Progesterone today (Friday) is 2.7 and so it is on the move. In an ideal world, we would test again on Sunday to make sure she has ovulated but alas, we do not live in a perfect world and veterinary clinics/staff need days off.

So, we will test again tomorrow (Saturday) as late as possible (3:30 pm) and hope the progesterone continued to go up and not down. The plan — as it stands now — is for Monday/Tuesday breedings; I have that surgery on Wednesday 🙄

I would just really appreciate seeing the progesterone be close to/at 4 before I jump in the van and start driving.

At least I will have plenty of fuel for the trip!