If Dianne leaves Victoria and travels 2746 km at 71 mph and Aysha leaves Fernie and travels 1857 km at 92 mph and Alison leaves New Hampshire and travels 1514 miles at 67 mph and Lori leaves Long Island and travels 1372 miles at 59 mph and Toby leaves Pennsylvania and travels 1251 miles at 76 mph and Marti leaves southern California and travels 1935 miles at 7.5 mph for the first 100 miles and then 78 mph but…
Marti makes Randy stop for gas when the needle on the gas tank drops below 3/4 tank AND Dianne stops at every body of water AND Aysha never stops AND Toby is chatting to Val and misses her exit so is detouring through Kansas AND Lori is stopping at all liquor stores given her roomie is Canadian AND Alison left early…
Who gets to Brainerd, Minnesota first?