It is time for our first Midterm! Don’t worry — it is a take-home exam :)
Here is the Novice Dog Midterm:
The Specifics:
Please follow the directions on the exam — and post any questions/thoughts/comments on the Facebook page.
Walk straight into the track as directed for at least ten yards. Plant the flag and keep going.
When you run the dog, switch from collar to harness at the point at which you started your straight entry to the track — and let the dog have line to get started. The start flag is the official start but also decoration — there is no need to make the dog stop at that flag.
Space food as directed but you know your dog and the cover — always support success even as you push the learning envelope, so to speak.
A right or left turn is fine — do what works for your location.
The turn is sharper — increase food and scuff your feet a bit on that corner as you lay the track.
Use 15 - 20 feet of line when you run this track.
Handler stays on the track no matter what dog does.
Look for handling opportunities — practice stopping on the track (dog is off shopping) and backing (dog is swinging wide and coming towards you).
As always, increase or decrease difficulty of this exam as needed for your dog!
Please provide a detailed report of what went well and what needs more work.
Midterm for TDX Dogs!
Some thoughts:
You can use just one cross track layer — have them go one way and then back the other, keeping 8 - 10 feet between their two tracks.
In a test, cross tracks are marked for the cross track layers with flags and so use them on your track when you lay the track. This helps the cross track layer know what to do but also replicates what a cross track will be like in a test for the dog. Just make sure the cross track layer(s) knows to pull up the flags when they lay the cross tracks :)
If possible, video how the dog works the cross tracks so we can all watch/learn.
Please provide a detailed report of what went well and what needs more work.
I will update this post with videos as they become available.