Life in a pandemic feels a bit like the Universe is just piling it on.
Yesterday I learned that someone I know well is in the hospital and on a ventilator with Covid-19 (this person is improving — thankfully).
Because that was not quite enough, we also learned yesterday that community spread is happening in Missoula.
That is the kind of stuff humming along as background noise as we just try to play on (think Titanic and the band).
And so I taught classes and met with colleagues via Zoom, and ran Harper B for Better to and from the vet — and so on — while the Universe turned up the background noise on me.
I need some ear plugs.
Sparkle — so helpful!
Luckily, I have dogs! They are natural ear plugs — filters for the background noise that is the pandemic.
Harper B and Daisy
And we have our wonderful community.
Kay reports from Arizona that Lucas (Sparkler) is pleased to be part of the family business (aka #sparklespickups).
Well Done, Lucas! And thank you, Kay, for the update and photos — and for keeping us company.
Nudge: Reach out to someone today — send a photo and an update. It will provide a much needed uplift for all involved.
We got this. Together.