Dialing Back

This is the view I have this morning as I sit here in my dining area/work space…

Deck View.jpg

I finally finished grading yesterday and can now begin to catch up on other things.

I am working through emails, need to watch some videos for people, make a couple of how-to-train-this videos, and so on — I have a list, of course.

And then, I will begin to shut things down and limit my commitments.

Life in a Pandemic is hard stuff. It just surrounds us — like persistent low fog — demanding a certain number of Little Soldiers just to navigate through it. This means we wake up with only 40 - 50 Little Soldiers each day instead of the usual 100; the rest are on Pandemic Duty.

We must not expect those 40 - 50 remaining Little Soldiers to do the work of 100, and so that means we MUST dial back and lower expectations of self and others. Nobody is helped when our finite coping resources are collapsed in a sobbing, exhausted heap.

I intend to not simply say that to others but also model what that looks like. I believe we can be kind, compassionate, and loving to others only when we do the same for ourselves.

In about ten days the long awaited K Litter is due.

Daisy Rey

Daisy Rey

Most of my available Little Soldiers will be happily on duty at Puppy Central. This includes, of course, sharing the Puppy Love with all of you — every single day.

After all, who cannot use some Puppy Love in a Pandemic?