Stage Two (Updated)

Dear Husband woke me up at 2:00 a.m. — Daisy was having some discharge.

Sure enough — dark green drips and discharge (birth is not for the squeamish — neither is this post).

Daisy is stressing me out!!!

I remember reading an article about this being normal so I looked for it on the Facebook group, couldn’t find it, and so posed a question about the discharge — I got multiple “Get Thee to the Vet” responses.

Great, more dead puppy images crowded my mind. Just what I needed after spending my birthday stressing about that.

Deep Breaths.

I called my vet — at 2:44 a.m.

As a result, we are at home and waiting — and I found the ARTICLE I remembered. Too bad I did not find it BEFORE I called my vet at 2:44 a.m.

Me and Daisy.jpg

Although obviously unafraid to make those middle-of-the-night phone calls, I waiting for things to be a bit more imminent before I call in the troops (aka Suzanne).

Have I mentioned how flipping terrifying this all is?!

7:15 pm Update

What a day.



The story of this day tomorrow but for now know we are home safe and sound.

Daisy and pups Day 1.jpg

Five girls, four boys — and two puppies that could not stay with us. The Angel Puppies are heartbreaking, of course, and we celebrate the nine that could stay with us.

This first week is also terrifying — please think good thoughts for all of the new lives.