The Just Say No campaign of the Reagan administration was problematic for all kinds of reasons but one relates to Life with Dogs — saying no doesn’t help a human or a dog know what to do instead.
Raising a puppy is all about creating desired behaviors — this happens by supporting and reinforcing those desired behaviors and NOT by telling the puppy “NO.”
I am willing to say if we have said no to a puppy — shame on us for at least two reasons. First, we failed to help the puppy know what to do in a situation and second, we are attempting to teach something using REALLY unfortunate techniques.
Would you enjoy learning a new language and culture by being scolded for every mistake with little/no understandable information and support about how to be right?
That is unfair and mean — and super discouraging.
Puppies are not small dogs — they are babies — and so we must manage our expectations accordingly.
Would you shout NO to a baby peeing in her diaper or pulling your hair? I hope not. A diaper change and redirection/substitution — those are the appropriate responses.
I have raised a dozen Berner puppies of my own and what I have learned over the years is to chill out and relax — there is just no need to sweat the small stuff. And most all stuff is small.
Too soon they are done with puppyhood…
…and in a blink of an eye you are bidding farewell.
Wildflowers bloom — but not forever.
Don’t waste one second of a dog’s short life being disappointed or upset with her.
Video HERE from this morning.
My latest creation — a raft in the splash pad! Buttercup thought it was big fun.
So did Lupine.
Clarkia at attention as she contemplates the lawn mower.
A neighbor dropped by…
Buttercup and Daisy — all the feels.
Good Night, Friends.