Pozy, Sparkle, and I headed off to Lincoln, Montana. Fun Fact: Lincoln was the home of the Unabomber.
Unlike about 500 other people, we were not in Lincoln for a softball tournament. I could say a lot about THAT but I will spare you and get straight to the cute photos…
We met up with Chase (Larkspur) and his family — including Major, the father of the Wildflowers. Although the softball tournament was a wee bit terrifying and mind-blowing (understatement alert), it did mean there were children romping around and puppies are children-magnets.
Therefore, the puppies had an excellent socialization experience.
How cute is Chase?!
Chase and Pozy played and played — they clearly remembered each other. It was SO much fun to watch them.
And now Pozy and I are off for yet another adventure — this puppy socializing is a serious endeavor!
Have a Super Sunday!