
Pozy, Sparkle, and I headed off to Lincoln, Montana. Fun Fact: Lincoln was the home of the Unabomber.

Unlike about 500 other people, we were not in Lincoln for a softball tournament. I could say a lot about THAT but I will spare you and get straight to the cute photos…

Chase and Pozy Aug 15 2020.jpg

We met up with Chase (Larkspur) and his family — including Major, the father of the Wildflowers. Although the softball tournament was a wee bit terrifying and mind-blowing (understatement alert), it did mean there were children romping around and puppies are children-magnets.

Major and pups Aug 15.jpg

Therefore, the puppies had an excellent socialization experience.

Pozy and Kids Aug 15 (1).jpg
Pozy with girl Aug 15 2020 (1).jpg

How cute is Chase?!

Chase Aug 15 2020 (1).jpg

Chase and Pozy played and played — they clearly remembered each other. It was SO much fun to watch them.

Pozy and chase Aug 15.jpg

And now Pozy and I are off for yet another adventure — this puppy socializing is a serious endeavor!

Have a Super Sunday!