Team Kiri (Sparkler) got a Novice obedience bonus leg yesterday, scoring a 199.5/200 (!!!!) and earning High in Trial (a really Big Deal)…
Congratulations to Alison — that is awesome and inspiring.
Karma is now approximately 13+ years old — she has been involved in the lives of generations of our dogs.
You may recall that I found Karma at a gas station in Barstow, CA on my way to show Asia at the Invitational. I popped her in an empty crate with a litterbox and that is how she came to enjoy life in Montana…
Dear Daughter sent this high tech cat toy — it is a big hit.
rePete and Rosebud are Besties — they are very sweet together…
The dogs are all carefully and intentionally created — and the four cats all just showed up with hard-luck stories. It’s all about balance, I guess!