Orion has learned a hard lesson about the dangers of overtraining.
Train too much for a heavyweight title and the overeating gives you the runs. #trainsmarternotharder
Carol will be thrilled to see this…
I think he might actually be gloating a bit.
In a separate — but somehow equal — division for the Moonshadows, our winner is…
Just to ensure fair weigh-in, we have a Scale Monitor.
Like the 2020 election, our weigh-ins are safe and fair. #nofraud
My Mighty Little Peanut, Titan, continues to gain and is now 14.6 ounces.
Don’t you worry — Titan will grow into his name! Small size now means nothing about his adult weight.
Oh No! One puppy is getting away, Rosebud!
The Moonshadows are gaining weight, the Bright Stars have (mostly) stopped needing constant changes of the whelping box (think diaper blowout), and so hopefully the Worry Factor has been reduced a bit around here today.
Eyes should start to crack open in the Bright Stars in the next day or so…
…and they are starting to get some ground clearance when they attempt to stand up. Ears are still sealed shut.
In this time of increased demands and loss of Normal Life, I am acutely aware of the need to pay close attention to mental health. Not just me — all of us.
I wish I had a Magic Wand to make everything better for everyone — but I don’t. If I did, it would head first to Colorado because someone there really needs a Magic Wand.
Self-care is essential to ensuring we can all keep doing everything we do. Like staying upright in a pandemic — or being flattened a bit by cancer treatment.
For me, self-care means dialing back where I can, lowering my expectations, accepting and appreciating help (Thank you Dear Husband, Suzanne, and the Cheerleaders out there), and it means I keep doing the things that help me be okay even though I am busy. #noexcuses
A big one for me is exercise…
I have my Peloton bike set up such that I can ride and watch both whelping boxes — one on my right and one on my left.
Self-care is not about being weak — it is about staying strong or even just staying okay. It is so critical during this time of increased stress and demands — and I am talking about all of us. We all matter.
Please have an amazing day that includes some kind of self-care.
Evening Photos — and COOKIES!!!
We had a busy day around here, and it included a fun Zoom session between the puppies and Dear Friends…
Our wonderful veterinarian, Dr. Shoni Card of Animal Blessings Pet Hospital, came to the house today for Round Two of rear dewclaw removal. This is so much easier than dragging two basketball teams worth of puppies to the vet clinic — we love our veterinarian.
The Bright Stars helpfully produced loose stools while Dr. Card was here — she was not concerned, which is reassuring, and suggested it did look like the consequences of overeating.
Suzanne came to help with the puppies AND helped me locate the studs in the wall so we can hang the new curtain rod. So great to have such a helpful friend!
And now for the COOKIES! This is Wildflower Zeus and one of his humans, Ada, who is now a Daisy — a Girl Scout Daisy, that is…
Ada is selling Girl Scout cookies and given the pandemic, it is all online. Yippee — the cookies can be delivered to your house!
You all likely remember selling things as a kid — let’s support Ada in honor of those who supported us :) Click HERE to order from Ada’s Girl Scout cookies page.