As I sit here at my desk, I can easily see both litters. I look right and see the Bright Stars…
…and to my left is the new Moonshadow compound…
The flooring above is vinyl over agility mats, and the whole room will soon be the designated indoor play area to be utilized by both litters.
Right now, the Moonshadows would not benefit from too much space and in fact, too much space all at once can be scary for a puppy. An alone puppy in the wild would be an easy meal — they are biologically programmed to not want to be alone and a big, new space lets them get too separated.
Buck and rePete
Remember this when you bring a new puppy home — don’t expect them to love being alone because it just isn’t how they are made. Being alone = Terrifying when you are an easy meal.
Puppies (and tiny humans) need what they need in each developmental period, and it is the job of ethical, intentional, and smart adults to meet those needs.
Remember this — it is 100% appropriate to meet the current needs of a puppy, understanding that they transition successfully through developmental periods ONLY when the developmental needs are met. Deny a human baby what they need and go ahead and start saving for their future therapy bills.
Perseus and Heze
Puppies are not different — they need what they need, and denying them the chance to be developmentally appropriate is not only setting them up to have issues but it is also just plain mean. #bekind
And so let the puppy chew.
Make sure little puppies have company.
Hunter with rePete
Manage your housetraining expectations.
And in all ways — let the puppy be a puppy.
Nova running off with a star
The life of a dog is quick — don’t waste one second being unreasonable in your expectations or disappointed because a puppy behaved in ways perfectly compatible with normal development and their DNA.
Life with Dogs invites us to be and do better. I love that.
Have a kind day.
Evening Pics
Daisy and Ariel
Orion — in the water bowl!