New things for the Moonshadows! This is Kale and I think Ariel…
Stuff just rotates through the two litters — perfect.
Nobody was harmed — this is Andy and Ninja Rosebud…
Things are status quo at the Bright Stars side of things. Claire is the same and we are exploring options for surgery, and considering timing. No decisions yet.
I spent time yesterday trying to figure out how long relaxin would be circulating in her system and did not find any great answers but did learn that it contributes to lactation. So like so many things in life, relaxin is a double-edged sword — it both blew Claire’s ligaments AND made her the prize Holstein at the State Fair.
The Bright Stars have something new.
Remember that the floor has mats under it — all falls are well padded.
Capella is confused about which side you go up and which side is the slide…
Buttercup sent her nieces and nephews this lovely personalized bowl with photos of their parents so they understand about the big paws they have to fill…
Thank you so much, Team Buttercup!
This is Zaniah. We are starting to be able to see structure in these puppies…
Big changes in play areas coming today.
Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to play.
Evening Photos
Claire icing her bum leg