Looking Ahead

There is a lot happening around here these days.

Bright Stars Sirius and Capella

Bright Stars Sirius and Capella

Yesterday, at five weeks and a day, the Bright Stars had their first non-nursing meal. There is a lot of good literature that supports a prolonged period of exclusive nursing. Early introduction of solid food is disruptive to the developing gut microbiome, for example, and that plays a critical role in the immune system.

The puppies’ first non-nursing meal was about one ounce of this food, but I lightly browned it instead of feeding raw.

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Everything went well with that and so today I will up the amount a bit, and over the next week they will continue to just get one non-nursing meal a day but the protein source will vary between chicken and turkey. More on the food plan another day but I wanted to share that news.

Bright Star Orion

Bright Star Orion

It is a challenge to stay somewhat on top of things. The operative word in that sentence is somewhat and truth be told, somewhat is more aspirational than reality.

Bright Star Zaniah

Bright Star Zaniah

We are going to have our own version of March Madness around here.

Rosebud and her Squad

Rosebud and her Squad

Dear Husband, who continues to do the night shift, is heading out on a camping adventure in northern Arizona on March 9. His help has been invaluable, both in terms of the practical things like laundry and cleaning, but also in offering peace of mind so I can sleep at night. I will be sending him off with gratitude — and a wee bit of terror (understatement alert).

Moonshadow Kale

Moonshadow Kale

Claire’s first knee surgery will be on March 17.

Claire and Nova

Claire and Nova

Yesterday at 12:56 pm I got the call — I had one hour to get to Missoula to get a Covid vaccination. I cancelled my 1 pm class, woke up Dear Husband to sit with the ten plus ten, and raced to Missoula in the snow. I am needle-phobic but I was seriously giddy about getting that jab.


What a relief! I have to get the second dose on March 22 and I know to expect I will feel crappy for a day or two after so that has to factor into the March Madness calendar.

Moonshadow Arche and Pete

Moonshadow Arche and Pete

The Bright Stars will be eight weeks old and ready to begin leaving the nest, so to speak, on March 18. The Moonshadows will be eight weeks on March 25. Placements need to be finalized, and all assorted documents completed. There will be vet visits and assessments and so on.

Bright Star Zaniah — and yes indeed, she stuck her landing at the bottom.

Bright Star Zaniah — and yes indeed, she stuck her landing at the bottom.

I will be doing some traveling to meet people taking puppies, and Claire’s surgery and my second Covid vaccine have now added to the already complicated March Madness puzzle.

Bright Star Sun. I know - he is something.

Bright Star Sun. I know - he is something.

On top of all that, I have a book chapter due at the end of March.

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This is all short-term, and humans can do amazing things if we know it is temporary.

Moonshadow Andy

Moonshadow Andy

March Madness at Puppy Grand Central will only last one month — we got this.

Bright Star Sirius

Bright Star Sirius

And when it feels overwhelming, I have ready access to unlimited amounts of Puppy Therapy.

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On today’s agenda — Suzanne is coming over to help with Puppy Pics.

Have a picture-perfect day!