Day Three of 10+10+9 & Me

Daisy and the Moonshadows are easy peasy. Daisy happily sleeps with her puppies at night, keeping them fed and clean (and quiet).

Yep — all ten Moonshadows!

Yep — all ten Moonshadows!

Claire cannot sleep with her puppies because of her knees and the brace — even under supervision those miscreant puppies chew the custom-made brace.

Aunt Pozy is in there — can you find her?

Aunt Pozy is in there — can you find her?

And that explains why I have been up since 3:30 a.m. The Bright Stars wanted their mama — NOW! And someone had an exploding poop situation, and puppies are not especially careful where they walk.

It was a Hot Mess.

Luckily, I am a morning person and so I am pretty unflappable early in the day. If this had happened at 9 pm, the story would be less cheerful, and likely involve bad words and tears.

But at 3:30 am? Not a problem. Clean up was accomplished as puppies nursed — all’s well that ends well.

But who can go back to sleep after all that? Not me.

Sleep 3-12.jpg

The advantage to being with the puppies all day is that I am right here to clean up — without the Night Nanny, this is no longer true at night. Darn it.

That said, even during the day it is difficult to get to the issue needing to be cleaned up with ten puppies trying to attach to your pant leg. It is like trying to walk through puppy quick sand…

Moonshadow fun.

Moonshadow fun.

You detached one puppy and two others lock on in the meantime.

Bright Star Capella

Bright Star Capella

Because I am now a source of food, the puppies cannot be fooled if I try to sneak up on them. They are clever, these puppies, and gang up on me whenever they get the chance.

Bright Star Orion

Bright Star Orion

That is what puppies do — bite, chomp, poop, walk in it, jump on you with poopy paws, chomp, bite, repeat.

Isn’t it just awesome? Seriously. How wonderful and amazing that I get to do this. I can say that — and mean it — because it is still morning.

Bright Star Zaniah

Bright Star Zaniah

Have a magical day.

Evening Photos





I got the Pandemic Puppy Yard set up today. It was too cool for the Moonshadows but the Bright Stars had fun…

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