Play, Nap, Eat, Repeat...

Daisy is such a sweet mom — here she is with Andy…

Daisy and Andy 3-2.jpg

Moonshadow playtime!

Tunnel Metis 3-2.jpg

This is a video of the Moonshadows in the large play area this morning — turn the volume down just a bit in the beginning as the Bright Stars were practicing for the Montana Puppy Choir.

While the Moonshadows (and Rosebud) played, the Bright Stars had breakfast/mom time.

Claire and Nova 3-2.jpg

After the Moonshadows had a couple of hours in the big play area, which equalled three meals, two naps, and three play sessions, I rearranged things to create a smaller play area for the Moonshadows and a bigger one for the Baby Hippos (aka Bright Stars)…

Ready for action!

Ready for action!

This is Nova doing circles through the tunnel after Rosebud…

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It was a wild hour or so…

Tunnel 3-2.jpg

The puppies love to visit with each other — no doubt plotting a takeover.

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Rosebud doing quality control on the structure (or just showing off)…

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And then they start to settle down for a nap and it is easier to take photos. This is Heze…

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I wanted to remind new homes that a supply list can be found HERE.

Have a fun day!




Moonshadow Ariel

Moonshadow Ariel

Bright Star Lyra

Bright Star Lyra

Bright Star Zaniah

Bright Star Zaniah