Today we catch up with newly eight-years-young Kidd and Tristan.
We start with Kidd — Marti reports:
“Kidd is doing great and I am thrilled he has made it to 8.
“wanna play?”
A year ago he had surgery on his spine and it was not successful. The neurologist thought I would be lucky if he made it a year. His prognosis is slow paralysis. In March shortly after we moved to Colorado I thought he was done, he was clearly in pain and struggling. Our new vet adjusted his medications and we did about 4 sessions of laser treatments and he improved. He has been slowly improving since then. He went to the Specialty and walked in the parade.
At home he spends his days following me around the property, playing for short stints with me or the girls and resting. He enjoys watching the chickens and the sheep.
Helping in the garden
He is stronger and more mobile now than he was two months ago. It makes my heart sing to watch him run. He will chase the fox off the property and caught a young bunny.
That moment when Kidd realized he wasn’t in southern California anymore…
His muscles are starting to return. He will never fully recover but watching him run and enjoy his days is the best! I have no idea what the future holds for him but we treasure every single day.”
Thank you, Marti! Kidd and the rest of Marti’s Berners must feel like they have arrived in paradise — all that space! Yay!
Alison sends along a photo that captures everything you need to know about iPup Tristan…
…and shares:
“Life is calling! May we go play NOW please? (PS The fence post is 5'4" tall.)
Tristan is still thriving and striving, eagerly running in masters agility, making people laugh at his exuberant energy in obedience and power pulling in open brace draft. Still bursting forth into walks with joyous barking.
Always a boy needing games to play.
Still exponential in his attitude toward Life.
Happy 8th with love to all iPups, both here and over the Rainbow Bridge.”
Thank you, Alison, for that perfect photo and wonderful update.
Yes, the contrast between the two boys is hard but what they share is more important — each is loved and appreciated for who and what they are right now. THAT is what matters most.