Capella doesn’t quite realize how much she has grown…
…and Pozy has incredible patience with her niece.
The puppies’ reactions to the splash pad was an excellent assessment of their water-loving tendencies. Pozy is definitely more measured about water…
Capella is all in…
Same amount of time with the splash pad and note the difference between their coats…
This is Pozy…
Capella starts swimming lessons next week — that should be fun.
Claire came out to play and showed the girls how this is done. None of that wimpy standing around stuff — Claire is always ALL IN…
Happy Claire News: She has been cleared to begin resuming normal activities. The rehabbing work we have been doing with Montana Water Dogs and the Canine Conditioning Coach has paid off handsomely — we are way ahead of schedule.
I told our veterinarian yesterday that it felt like I had received an A+ on the Claire Rehab Test. But to be clear, what I did especially well was put together an all-star team for Claire — that is the reason for the A+ recovery.
You know what this means??? It means I get to set some goals, make some plans, and get to work with my wonderful girl.
A pandemic and everything Claire has been through remind me not to take any of that for granted.