A Dog's Purpose

This Bright Star birthday update is extra special. It is about the power of connection and community, and it allows me to share a bit of the behind-the-scenes from when the 10 + 10 were here.

This is a photo of Ferguson, the father of the Bright Stars…

Ferguson is a kind, gentle Therapy Dog. Although a spectacular show dog, that photo reflects his Super Power. It is a special dog who can touch hearts in just that way.

Hold that thought…

Newborn Suki Lyra

Right before the Bright Stars were born, Kris Osojnicki reached out to me about a friend whose relative in Alaska had a friend who needed a Berner puppy. Did you follow that? Someone in Minnesota was able to convey how much someone in Alaska needed a puppy from Montana. That is the power of community.

This family’s previous Berner had been a girl, and so they preferred a girl but would take a boy. Knowing their story, I said to myself, “this family should not have to give up one more thing — they need a girl.”

But it was complicated. While I had LOTS of puppies, I did not have lots of girls.

Decisions around puppy placement are always stressful and hard — for everyone involved. The placement of the 10 + 10, however, was complicated in ways people could not know — some stories were simply not mine to tell.

Unfortunately, not everyone was kind or patient or graceful during the decision-making process, and that made a really tough time exponentially harder. I was maxed out with a low (okay — non-existent) tolerance for shenanigans, waffling, and general bad behavior. Not a good combination, to be sure.

SO much gratitude to Suzanne for being the supportive friend who listened to it all and kept me somewhat (or maybe just occasionally) calm and reasoned.

In the end, I decided one of the girls was going to Alaska — no matter what. And that is how and why the puppy formerly known as Lyra — one of the most beautiful movers in a litter of lovely Limited Edition puppies — flew to Alaska in the care of my husband.

Because — like her Daddy, Ferguson — I knew that puppy had a Super Power, and I knew exactly where it was needed.

Super Suki reporting for duty…

Without further ado, here is our update from the litter’s Super Hero, Suki (fka Lyra):

Linda shares, “Suki turned one year old this week!

She is living her best life in Anchorage, Alaska. Fortunately, she loves to play in the snow and does not mind cold weather. She loves to conquer a good, high snow pile, roll in the powdery snow, burrow her nose down for sniffs, and bound through the deep stuff.

Suki is a fun, energetic, engaging dog with a sense of humor. Suki is very intelligent, fully capable of making her wishes known, whether verbally or with physical cues (such as a large, furry paw or a wet nose), but she wants to please, so mischief is only occasionally managed.

Suki came to us just after the death of our son to enchant us, providing distraction from our grief, and giving us a reason to get up and out of the house (sometimes very, very early).

Suki gives the best full-body hugs, no questions asked. Suki is equally loved by her sitter, Sue VanSchooten and her brother Dave, who spoil her before giving her back.

We all believe that Suki is the most beautiful Bernese in Alaska.

Thank you to Mary-Ann for having faith that we would take good care of her, and to both you and your husband for making her adoption happen in the middle of a pandemic.”

Thank you, Linda, for this wonderful update and to all of you for giving Suki such a grand life — and giving me another reason to have “Visit Alaska!” on my Bucket List!

And please — let’s rest our hearts and minds on Jeff — newly graduated from college, a shining bright star, son, brother, and friend — and on his family, whose life journey is now missing someone so very beloved.

The loss of a child. There are no words to convey the devastation. No magic wand.

But there are still reasons to get up and keep going, as Linda noted. I am honored to have been invited to share with this family — people I have not yet met — a small spark to light their time in the Darkest of Dark Places.

Thank you to Kim, Sue, Kris and everyone who made this possible. And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Suki. Strong work, Sweet Puppy — we are all so very proud of you.

Bright Star indeed.