It's My Birthday

My birthday breakfast…

Coffee and a bagel — the mug reminds me of my Arizona friends who will be here soon and the bagel — well, you know about that!

I walked dogs. I have been writing and writing.

I have been organizing my birthday stash on my birthday counter…

I will open it all tonight when I play Zoom cards with the family. Thank you to those who have remembered me on my birthday — I so appreciate it.

I want to highlight something in the photo above — something I did for myself in March. The day of my birth is a great day to share that I have legally returned to my birth name: Mary-Ann Elizabeth Sontag. The new email address is although the old one will, of course, work as well for some time.

The Birthday Cronuts arrived from New York — Suzanne, Jay, and Almighty Heidi enjoyed them with me.

I will soon have a private party with my Peloton and then the Zoom Card Party.

Oh — and I started a new blog today. I wanted to keep this one more focused on Life, with Dogs but there are things that I need to say. Just not here.

Today is an anniversary. A tough one. 2021 was my personal Book of Revelations. I am looking ahead to months of similar anniversaries — milestone days that will be heavy with trauma.

I know that many have been wondering, “what happened?!” and asking, “wtf is wrong with Mary-Ann?!” I suspect more incredulous questions will be forthcoming — the Book of Revelations is not yet fully authored.

Realizing that an elevator speech will never be sufficient — and because I am done with secrets — I am creating space for explanations and answers. Kindly, carefully, thoughtfully, respectfully, and most of all, truthfully. One milestone/event at a time. Starting today at
