Dear Daughter extended her Montana vacation and was here for a total of eight wonderful days. Here is what we did not do:
Float the river
Visit the Bison Range
Ride our bikes every day
Hike the “M” trail
Any other fun Montana thing
When she goes back to work and people ask her what cool things she did in Montana, I am not sure what she will tell them. Fed too many cookies to dogs?
Remembered why Sparkle is her favorite canine sister?
Rode in Trusty Rusty, my old but reliable truck?
Made a new friend we call Dump Lady — that blue shack is where our new and very nice friend spends a lot of time…
Dear Daughter reports that the half-marathon, which we did just after she recovered from Covid, was actually the easiest part of her week here.
Yep — we cleaned up.
And it was AWESOME.
So much gratitude to Dear Daughter — and I hope she invented some cool vacation stories to tell her colleagues while she drove home yesterday.