Harper B for Bitterroot

At eleven years and nine months, Harper B for Blessed is no less worthy of an interesting life than a young dog.

I took Harper to the Bitterroot River for a walk sniff.

The river is just a mile from our house and is now sufficiently low to be safe for an older lady like Harper. Unlike some members of the family, Harper is not a swimmer but she does enjoy getting her paws wet.

And there were so many new smells to be sniffed!

Living happily with the dog we have right now requires intentionality — and honesty.

We have to be honest about what is, and intentional about how we can make the very Harper B for Best of it.

Social worth in humans seems to declines with age in the dominant USA culture. Ageism is a real thing. Even in dogs.

Not at my house.

Please have a happy day living your own very best life. Because of — not in spite of — your wonderful age.