Happy Friday!
Our lead-off batter today is Sparkler ZeD.
I loved that photo when I saw it and wanted to share it. My dad was a fan of the Oakland A’s and took us to games when we were kids. When I saw that photo, it felt like ZeD was offering a happy reminder of my dad. Thanks, Tony ❤️
And check out what Wildflower Chase is up to these day!
Lawrence is sure showing us what is possible in retirement — he and his dogs are now doing even more cool things together. In the case of dock diving — literally cool! Perfect for summer.
We had a spell of hot weather and then summer recess arrived — temperatures in the 70’s. YAY! I love all kinds of recesses. Capella and I took advantage of the cooler weather and hiked up to the M (for Montana Mary-Ann) on the edge of the University of Montana campus.
Harper B for Bring It On enjoying one of her recent Sniffs.
The cats wanted some blog time. This is Karma and Rosebud during one of their workouts 🙄
The two feral kittens I adopted last November are a surprising source of accomplishment for me 🏆 They were spitting, hissing wild kittens who were trapped and taken to a kill shelter in Idaho, where they were rescued before their demise and brought to Montana for adoption.
Nikki Summer Dawn
Baby Glen
I adopted them on a whim 🤷🏼♀️
They will never be as confident and cuddly as Rosebud or Karma or rePete because the feral kittens had a very different starting line. Early life matters.
But both kittens have made so much progress and are happily integrated into the family. rePete is SUCH a good cat uncle and role model for the kittens. Here he is with Nikki Summer Dawn (NSD).
And Glen, while still skittish, is also charming and cuddly.
The kittens are yet another lesson in the value of patience ⭐️⭐️
Have a lovely weekend! 🌈