Sad News

I am sorry to share that one of the iPups has left us. Alison sends us this remembrance:

Tristan – Kaibab’s Invitation To The Dance

6/25/13 – 12/28/23

“There is no easy way to say goodbye to a dearly loved dog. The more we love the more it hurts. That love, though, is also sustaining, both while we share this life and afterwards. After the shattering the love embraces us again.

Tristan dramatically changed my life in totally unexpected ways. I never thought I would run in agility, let alone love it. Tristan insisted and was my first dog to be so wholly devoted to a single sport. When agility was in the wind Tristan vibrated with joy. In all honesty, he was also intense about ‘doing’ anything, pushy and vocal, but agility was his game of choice so we played a lot. Tristan embraced whatever each moment offered in life. No half measures for this dog.

Our house is quieter now, soothed by the presence of Tristan’s niece and grand nephew, and Tristan’s presence hovers, always near at hand, paws on our hearts, loved forever.”


My deepest condolences to Alison and Tim on the loss of this amazing dog — one of Zoey and Fil’s incredible iPups. If there is another dual champion dog (GCH & PACH) who is also a Grand Master Draft Dog — I do not know one. Tristan was still earning titles as recently as last July, and each and every one represents his well-loved, active, and interesting life. It was a most perfect life for him, and I am so grateful that he got to live it.

Thank you, Alison and Tom, for everything.