Today is the Wildflowers’ FOURTH birthday — here they are at four days.


I hope to be sharing updates all week long — let’s start with my own Pozy Clarkia.

Pozy is busy, brilliant, intuitive, and an incredible working dog. She is also very lovely.

She does not, however, enjoy being petted by strangers and this is something that is hard to address where I currently live — there just are not enough training opportunities with other humans.

She doesn’t bark at people — she simply moves away if they try to touch her.

Pozy prefers an extended warm-up period before she will be wild and lifelong friends with someone new. Once she loves you, it is both exuberant and forever.

She is a very, very kind dog and she LOVES well.

This is a good time to say that I plan to move in the not-so-distant future. Pozy will especially benefit from being in a place with more humans. She is a true Pandemic Puppy and combined with an isolated living situation — well, there is a bit of work to do but we need to be around humans to get over the hump.

We will. In the meantime, we train.

Hopefully, Pozy will be in a tracking test in June 🍀 and show in all the other things she already knows by next Spring.

Pozy is an absolute joy and I am so lucky that she shares her life with me ❤️


I wonder if Pozy sometimes feels like Jan in the Brady Bunch? You know…

Capella and Pozy are very different dogs — and yes, Capella is more forward-facing right now. That doesn’t mean anything about how deeply Pozy is loved, how special she is, and what an absolute delight it is to train such an incredibly smart working dog. Love is expansive and inclusive, with room for all.

Also, Marcia (aka Capella) was Best of Breed yesterday, earning a GCH major and beating two lovely male Specials 🤷🏼‍♀️

Being Jan can be rough — I know this well since I have a REALLY perfect sister (Christine! Christine! Christine!) — and so I work hard to ensure Pozy knows that she is also valued and loved.
