What's Up, Buttercup?

Baby Buttercup.

Just saying, “Buttercup” makes me happy! And as you read her update, you will see that our little Miss Buttercup continues to spread happiness and joy — Georgia shares this fun report:

“WOW! For years already.  

Buttercup continues to amuse and delight us every day.  I have never had a dog who offered up behaviors like Buttercup does.  Every morning when I’m drinking my first cup of coffee in bed (thank you Patty!) Buttercup starts throwing behaviors at us without being cued to do it…”Do you want ‘rollover’?   How about ‘dead bug’?  I can be a shy dog and cover my eyes with my paws!….”  

Over and over and over again until we laugh and then she jumps to her feet and runs over for a treat.  

Laughing is the criteria that Buttercup is aiming for and she’s perfected her antics.  She will invent behaviors that she thinks might amuse or combine two behaviors  like running backwards then dropping to a rollover first one direction then the other all done with a manic speed. 

We’re either a really easy audience or Buttercup is one funny girl!”


Thank you, Georgia (and Patty)! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUTTERCUP!!!!