Big Sigh

The past 2.5 years have been all about deconstruction and reconstruction. I mean this, of course, in every way.

It is not possible to appreciate the now without understanding where it started, and the words want to tumble out of me, illustrated with photos and videos.

But this is a blog and not the book. And that past is not today’s story — for that I am filled with gratitude.

Yesterday my house went on the market. This is bittersweet and hard and exciting and terrifying and sad.

Listing the house represents what I have done continually for the past 2.5 years: The Next Right Thing.

The Next Right Thing is not always easy — in fact, it is often very, very difficult.

And when it is hard — like listing a house I have lived in for more years than any other place in my entire life — you do not think too far ahead about the future Next Right Thing because that gets scary and overwhelming.

Besides, how can we know what direction to go until we finish the present Next Right Thing?

This current Next Right Thing comes with a lot of sorrow and trauma and baggage. It has been hard to talk about. Getting here has been so much work — in all ways.

Although you cannot know the starting line and therefore cannot fully appreciate the here and now, I am very proud of how the house — and I — have turned out.

This is the link to the listing (with photos).

I feel so much gratitude to everyone who has helped for the past 2.5 years. I am so so fortunate to have such an outstanding team.

What’s next for me and my little zoo?

You know what they say about Karma.

The Next Right Thing, of course ❤️