You Can't Make This πŸ’© Up (Chapter 276,928)

I had planned to be at the inspection for my new home but this is a busy week and so I sent friends to be my boots on the ground while I joined via FaceTime (THANK YOU, Dear Friends πŸ™β€οΈ).

It was a wise decision.

Lightening strikes yesterday afternoon set the mountain on fire.

Deputies showed up to hand me an Evacuation Warning.

They took my name and number in case I was advanced to an Evacuation Order.

This is a map of the area β€” the yellow was ordered to evacuate. I am the red circle and so β€œonly” a Warning..

By sunset, the fire had grown to 1600 acres.

Suzanne came and got Sparkle and Capella to make it easier if I was evacuated. Capella was not sad about that β€” she LOVES her Auntie Suzanne.

My porch security camera kept track of things over night.

Carlos, who has Worry Wart tendencies, got ready.

But all was calm overnight and I woke up in my own bed.

I could see three separate areas of flames when it was still dark but as the sun rose, the mountain just looked misty.

6:30 am

The smoke, however, clearly moved down the mountain overnight and you know what they say β€” where there is smoke, there is πŸ”₯

I am, however, pretending it is mist.

Galen just sent me this text:


Meanwhile and elsewhere, the home inspection proceeded with nary a hitch and lots of thumbs up from the in-person team πŸ™

If you know any good rain dances, now would be an excellent time to start the music πŸ’ƒπŸΌ
