Moonshadow Porter Has a Birthday!

Today we catch up on another Idaho Moonshadow — Porter.

Mike and Patty share:

“Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday we were picking up this beautiful little guy and bringing him to his new family.

Porter is a wonderful kid that barks to much, sheds to much, drools to much but that makes him all Berner.

We love him soooo much and can't even imagine not seeing his happy face greeting us at the side of the bed every morning. 

It's unreal the intelligence and personality that seems to come with all of the Berners. Porter likes to tap my arm or leg to get my attention so I can perform my Dad duties: pet me, let me out , I need a hug, let Micah out (our Lab), let Micah in, and the all important feed me!

Of course all of these come with a different look on his cute freckled face.

He loves walks with Mom at home and our cabin.

Oh I can't forget his bear hugs that he gives to both of us whether the time is right or not.

Happy Birthday Moonshadows!”

It is so wonderful to see all the happy lives these dogs are living — thank you Mike, Patty, and Micah for sharing your home with Porter 💙