Here is where the info stands with regards to Sparkle:
The infusion of bisphosphonates failed to give Sparkle the bounce we were hoping.
The second cytology did not clarify the nature of the lesion in Sparkle’s right femur. In fact, it added confusion.
We do seem pretty confident that the leg lesion and the long-standing mass in her lung are not the same thing.
The lung mass is just hanging out and does not seem to be marching Sparkle towards her demise.
Sparkle is three-legged from pain, even though we are aggressively managing the pain.
I do not want to have to euthanize Sparkle for pain 💔
Sparkle continues to do all her usual Sparkle things — she is engaging…
View of my lap
Picking up bowls…
And just happy to be here with us…
Hanging with my girls — Sparkle next to me, Pozy looking up, and then Capella
But that leg hurts.
A bone biopsy was rejected by the specialists because of fracture risk. The consensus is that it is highly unlikely the leg lesion is something that can be treated in a way that would allow Sparkle to use the leg again in a normal way.
I have to be her proxy and so I have considered her answer to this question:
Sparkle, would you rather stay here with pain, head for the Rainbow Bridge, or be officially three-legged for the rest of your life with short-term recovery pain but then no leg pain?
“None of the above” is not an answer choice.
And so Sparkle is scheduled for amputation surgery on Wednesday.