
We have some celebrating to do, Team Kaibab!

Sparkle’s daughters got the memo…

In AKC obedience, there is just one Novice A dog in our lifetime. That is the first dog we title in obedience — our introduction to the dog sport of obedience. A Novice A team is just starting out, learning the ins and outs of training and showing. It is not easy.

Ruthie, one of the Sparklers, is Lori’s once in a lifetime Novice A dog.

Ruthie is the BMDCA’s Top Novice A Obedience Dog for 2021!

This is a Big Deal. A Really Big Deal.

It is based on scores for each of Ruthie’s three legs earned towards her Novice A obedience title (CD). To train and show a dog in obedience is such an accomplishment — to be recognized with your Novice A Dog in this way is flipping amazing.

I am so very happy for Team Ruthie. This award is a symbol of a life well-loved and well-lived. Thank you, Lori, and CONGRATULATIONS!

After Novice A, one’s future dogs are shown in Novice B.

(drum roll, please)

Ruthie’s sister, Kiri, is the BMDCA’s Top Novice B Obedience Dog for 2021!!

Alison and Kiri

How is that for fantastic?! Congratulations to Team Kiri for their lovely and happy work in Novice B obedience — this is a well-deserved award.

Their Uncle Tristan, one of the iPups, says, “Hold my Bone Broth and watch this…”

Tristan, an outstanding overachiever from a family of overachievers, earned TWO Top Dog awards in 2021.

He is the BMDCA’s Top Open B Obedience Dog and the BMDCA’s Top Master Agility Dog!

It is so wonderful to watch legacy unfolding — thank you Alison and Lori.



I have two scones in the freezer for when Carol and Sharon arrive from Colorado — Carol said they were on their way!

Perfect Sister sent the required orange slices all the way from California — there is not a single Trader Joe’s in all of Montana!

The cats supervised from their bed on my desk…

There was actually an occasion for these scones — Almighty Heidi’s Dear Husband mounted my new TV in my Cozy Room…

Today’s projects includes dealing with the cord and hanging the new blinds (or attempting to do both — one never knows how these things will go!).

So much gratitude to Chuck and Heidi — the plate says it all…

And I LOVE this dog and this photo and the human who shared it — this is Sparkler, Ruthie…

Happy Sunday!

Family and an Invitation

These first two photos allow me to use one of my most favorite words: Juxtaposition.

That is beautiful, dual Versatility Dog, Jordan from the Sparklers, enjoying the sun in the southwest — and here is her niece, Bright Star Suki way up in Alaska…

How is that for a fun contrast?!

And in the middle — this is Claire, who is Suki’s mom and Jordan’s sister…

Happy Saturday to you.

If you hurry over, you can try my latest scone recipe — it is thanks to John H. that I will be trying out orange-dark chocolate this morning! Photos and a review later…