Family Fun

Buttercup and Zeus (Mallow) had a playdate yesterday…

Zeus and Buttercup Aug 9 2020.jpg

And they had two special guests join the fun — Barb and their great-great Auntie Maddie from our F litter who will be 12 in about three weeks…

Maddie, Barb, Buttercup and Zeus (1).jpg

I could not love that photo more — thank you to the three families for making that happen. Amazing.

Pozy wishes she could have joined.

Pozy Aug 9 2020 (1).jpg

Instead, she had to content herself with pouncing on Pete…

Pozy Pouncesd Pete August 9 2020.jpg

Have a pounce-worthy day.

Silver and Gold

As much as we celebrate new life, we celebrate our experienced lives perhaps even more. This is Maddie from the F Litter — she is 11 2/3 years old.


Barb sent along a delightful update about all them — thank you, Barb! I love getting updates.

She shared this about Maddie: “She has her schedule and the house revolves around her.  I know she still enjoys her walks because she demands them in no uncertain terms.  She may not dance gracefully with excitement, but she sure stomps and pounces!  We go out every morning to fetch the paper, but she makes me carry it in and still demands the cookie.”

Masked! Good Job, Team!

Masked! Good Job, Team!

Miss Maddie is “…still eager for Life and all its activities, even if she sits down more.  We are relishing this time of life together.”


Lucky and Blessed Dog. Thank you Barb — for everything.

I remember well the day I handed over littermates Zed and Maddie to Terri Z. and Barb — we met in Spokane for the fun and fluffy exchange.

Zed died just months before we lost Terri Z. I still cannot believe she is gone and that I will never again hear her voice on the phone greeting me by asking, “what are you doing?” as if she expected I was engaged in nefarious activities.

This is Zed as an adult — Terri’s last Berner. She loved her flowers and her dog.

6 Terri Zed.jpg

Zed is Daisy’s grandfather and that means Miss Maddie is about to be a great-great Aunt (in addition to a great-great Dog).

Terri would be thrilled with this breeding — I know that.


Things are status quo here — lots to do and get ready, and Daisy remains cheerfully uncomfortable.

The Daily Q: Fashion and a Super Senior

Teaching a course planned for in-person instruction and abruptly switched on anxious everyones in the middle of a semester is like careening down a narrow dirt road along a mountain — in an RV.

This is a white-knuckle drive for sure.

Therefore, please rest your minds on Miss Maddie from our F Litter and her mom modeling the latest in Pandemic Fashion…


Maddie is 11 years and 7 months young!

Whew! Small uplifts are big things.

Stay Safe!