This perfect little Sparkler had the litter name of Dewey in honor of Carol Dewey, an influential coach and all-around great person who we admire for many reasons.
The capital D in ZeD’s name carries forward the honor.
ZeD has a wonderful life in California with very special humans and his Uncle Nikko (iPups). As you can tell from all of these birthday updates, the dogs — including ZeD — are definitely not complaining about Pandemic Life!
Tony shares:
“Has it been really 4 years already?
I’ve been working from home since March and my mom came up to stay with us since August, so the dogs and cats are used to having people around the house all the time.
That also means more time for walks that involve chasing after turkeys and rabbits, and occasional sighting of coyotes in the neighborhood.
ZeD (and Nikko too) loves to follow Grandma around because he knows she always shares whatever she eats with him.
Yay for Grandmas!!!
As long as everyone is in good health, we’re not complaining.
We haven’t taken the dogs to the snow this year yet, but hopefully will soon. Happy Birthday to the Sparklers!”
Thank you so much, Team ZeD, for the wonderful birthday photos and update. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZeD!
And with that, the Sparkler Birthday Week is over for another year. So much gratitude to all of the families who provide the amazing lives each of the Sparklers is living. Lucky Dogs, indeed.
Have a spectacular day!