We did it again! Another successful day in this Temporarily New Normal. Let me note that we have a 100% Q rate — impressive! Let’s all keep up the good work. #team
I was talking with my dad yesterday and he observed it is like he has received a life sentence of solitary confinement (he lives in California), and so with all that free time looming ahead, nothing seems urgent or necessary. This means, he noted, that he is not getting much accomplished and he identified the need to set up a routine and get his days more organized.
I can so relate to that!
I had planned to do cleaning and organizing in my not-yet-completed kitchen over Spring Break, which ends tomorrow. Did I do it? Nope. It just did not seem urgent — I have weeks and weeks of time at home ahead, after all.
The black countertops are not staying — it was an order mix-up that is still being sorted out. But it is pretty awesome to have countertops again, even if it makes for a Goth Kitchen look.
Routine can help us stay on track, get things done, and just feel like there is order in the Universe (if not our kitchen).
This matters in so many ways.
When we are being productive, we have less time to freak out about the news or visit with Anxiety and Worry. Getting things done helps with a sense of competence, which contributes to resilience.
Those two things — reducing the time we get sucked in by Anxiety AND doing things that build/support resilience — are key ingredients to keeping our Q streak going.
We got this!
Our nudge for today — let’s all look at our daily activities and see if we can rein in the chaos with a routine.
You do not have to get all crazy with it but some order to the day might help us cope better each day AND be more productive.
And speaking of routine…
Berners with the Edge group members (and anyone else who wants to join us) — let’s focus on the routine we use to let the dog know it is time to train. Elizabethanne suggested five behaviors be included in that routine — you can read the post that describes it HERE.
Work on your time-for-training routine for one week and then post a video of your routine next Saturday on our Facebook group. FUN!