Something that helps some people during challenging times is to figure out ways to help other people — this is definitely one of the things that makes me feel better.
Lisa K shared that she is randomly calling a few people in her Contacts each day. Social distancing should not be social isolation, after all, and so she is reaching out — good job, Lisa K!
Claire and Sundance before Social Distancing went into effect.
Stacy Slade is having a benefit photo contest on Facebook. Small businesses, including dog show professionals, are struggling right now and she wants to help. Kudos to Stacy!
Find Stacy on Facebook to enter!
Claire. Photo by Galen and his drone.
And so on — people are coping and helping, and those things often go together.
I am now teaching my classes (at the University of Montana) remotely. I already have one online course and so it is just the other two that will need to be switched up to accommodate this whole social distancing thing.
One of my now online courses involves teaching students how to engage in social work/counseling practice with individuals, which means the students need experience talking with real people.
How to do that when everyone is (or should be) holing up in their homes?!
My Plan: Find individuals to do Zoom sessions with my students. Zoom, in case this is new to you, is like Skype — it allows us to video chat in live time.
I want to find 18 people who can commit to 2 - 3 sessions with a student over the next 2 - 3 weeks. Sessions would last maybe 20 minutes and we would find times that work for all concerned. I will be a silent observer in all of the sessions.
The topic would be Covid-19 and how that is impacting you/your life. Nothing too personal and you would control the info you share.
If you want to try “helping others” as a way to deal with this crazy time and think you can manage Zoom, consider yourself invited to join my class to help a student learn; send me an email to accept the invitation:
No obligation — just an invitation.
Different things work for different people, and so we are creating something of a Coping Buffet with The Daily Q. I would love to hear what is working for you, how you are doing, and/or any questions/comments you may have.
And keep up the good work! You are still 100% (A+) in managing this crazy time.
We got this!