We have all been asked — and in some areas mandated — to make significant changes to everything.
Don’t underestimate how challenging it is to change, and especially when Change is unwanted and carries so many losses.
My Dean inquired how we — the faculty — are doing with the move to remote instruction; this is part of my response to him:
“In addition to blowing up carefully planned schedules, assignments, and classes, Covid-19 is creating a significant emotional burden for all of us. I am using Zoom for my classes and am doing check-ins -- so many students no longer have jobs, many in the undergrad classes had to switch living arrangements, some are expressing how hard it is to be holed up with their family, and so on. By the time check-in is done, I just want to give them all a virtual hug and tell them to go play with a puppy!!
I am teaching Death, Dying, and Grief and that class was already 100% online -- but because we were asked to allow online classes to be completed early I have also had to make significant changes to that course as well. One assignment is something called Death Over Dinner -- a conversation over a meal with friends and/family about end-of-life/death hopes; social distancing blew up that great plan. Instead, we will do it via Zoom in small class groups. In addition, we are now doing a weekly Zoom Session focused on Loss, Grief and Covid-19. I need some puppies myself!!”
Galen and Bethany are under a stay-at-home order in Idaho with two small children. Galen is working remotely. Both Galen and Berkeley are in the high risk group — Galen because of Type 1 Diabetes and Berkeley for her yet unknown health issue. And all I can do is send supportive texts — and a box of toilet paper.
These are strange and hard times.
The necessitated changes are sufficiently tough that we should all be dialing back to give our Little Soldiers a break BUT for many of us, they have to do extra work right now.
Not a great combination — exhausted resources and even more demands.
Do you feel like the rope toy?
Please do not make things worse by imagining there is something wrong with you — it would be a wee bit strange if this upside-down world were NOT causing emotional disruption.
Remember — you are 100% at managing this crazy Covid-19 thing. Go You!
You might feel a bit ragged (I do!) but just keep doing your best to Stay Calm and Sparkle On.
We got this.