We are about to join some of the rest of you…
From the Missoulian
Someone else is now deciding what services are “essential” in our lives here in Montana. Liquor stores get to stay open, for example, but I cannot get a progesterone test on my dog after today.
I support the order!
AND I recognize the additional layer of helplessness and frustration it creates at a time when so many of us are already are running low on Little Soldiers.
Sparkle’s Little Soldier Delivery Service is up and running.
It occurs to me that we would do well to stay focused on the AND. There are so many in all of this and they matter. None of this is all silver lining and opportunity — nor is it all rotten and terrible.
The stay-home order will flatten the curve AND make things tougher.
Staying home is kind of relaxing and nice AND it is driving us nuts.
It is this AND that.
It is especially important to remember the ANDs when you find yourself in one extreme or the other. Yes, all of this is hard and frustrating and unfair AND it is also likely a well-needed pause so you can clean your closets, organize your spices, and/or play cards with your family — remotely, of course.
Family Oh Hell using Zoom.
And so my Dear Friend, Feel the Feels — and don’t forget to look for the AND. None of this is all of anything — there is always an AND.
We got this AND it is temporary.