Close but No Cigar

The temperature is stable as of 5:30 a.m. and so we are safe to keep cleaning and prepping for another 24 hours.


Daisy on May 20, 2020

Daisy on May 20, 2020

In spite of clearly being uncomfortable — and all you moms out there can SO relate — Daisy remains her usual cheerful self. She is very, very hungry but space is clearly limited and so we are now feeding her in five meals per day.

I posted a similar photo to the one above on Facebook and invited guesses for number of puppies. I then did an analysis of those guesses — one of my favorites: “40 pug puppies.”

Oh dear! Daisy would have some explaining to do…

The most frequent guess was nine puppies. Interestingly, the number on either side of nine received an equal number of guesses — both eight puppies and ten puppies were guessed 11 times.

My highly scientific Facebook survey appears to validate my own guess, which has been 8 - 10 puppies, although I suspect closer to ten than eight.

The whelping crew is ready.

karma in box (1).jpg

Suzanne and I had a whelping strategy meeting yesterday as we walked; Dear Husband will also be involved.

Looking at Daisy, I am starting to wonder if she will make it until Sunday — but I still have hope since that temperature remains up. If it drops today, this post will be revised with the news.

Have a wonderful Thursday!