Large and Holding Steady

Behold the difference six weeks makes — in figure and attitude…

Daisy, April 7

Daisy, April 7

Daisy, May 21

Daisy, May 21

The father of Daisy’s litter is GCH Pinnacle's Josey Wales AXP OJP FDC TKN SCN DD CGC. Known as Major, he is six years old and an intelligent, kind, and accomplished dog.



Major and Lawerence

Major and Lawerence

Major is also the father of our J Litter (The Sparklers). We are grateful to his humans for trusting us with another special litter of Majorly Awesome Puppies.

Because accidental suffocation of newborn puppies is a sad and real thing, we take advantage of our natural sleep patterns to have awake and attentive eyeballs on our puppies 24/7 for at least the first two weeks. We have already settled into the Puppy Central Routine — Dear Husband stays up overnight and I take over between 4 and 4:30 a.m.

Dear Husband shared this cell phone photo from last night — Harper and rePete getting things ready…

Harper and Pete in box.jpg

They are not the only ones. Daisy’s temperature is hovering at 100 but going up slower and not as high — I think we are getting closer to the warning drop, and I am certain Daisy is more than ready to get this show on the road.

Daisy May 21 (2).jpg

Happy Friday to you — stay well and rest up for the exciting and stressful weekend adventures.