Day 62

Mallow has been waiting for his ride to Washington, and today is the Big Day.

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In theory, the Graffunders will be meeting Penny and Caleb and handing over Mallow — I say in theory because Jennifer has long coveted Mallow in a big way, and meeting him only made it worse…

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Her husband has been sending texts reminding her — just one puppy!

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And the Lucky Puppy who will live to fill her Great-Aunt Mesa’s paws in Alex’s heart is Lupine.

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And you know what that means: Kaibab Keeps Clarkia in this Wildflower Pozy

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Clarkia for Clark and Pozy with a Z for Zoey and Terri Zimmerman.

Her great-great-great-great Grandma Abra won this carving for being High in Trial at the 2001 National Specialty. Pozy Clarkia has a legacy to grow into — and I know she will.

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And then there was The One…

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Have a Happy Day, Friends.


Jennifer was willing to turn Mallow over to Penny — whew!

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