We have been having a very cold spell recently but being Montana-tough, Suzanne and I walked dogs at the warmest part of yesterday — it was 18 degrees when we started.

The dogs had so much fun — the humans did as well. But yes — BRRRRRRRRR.

Meet Glen…

Kitten-taming is going well, as you can see.

The two kittens are siblings and so I named them after my kids. No, I do not have a secret child named Glen but I do have a Galen and one day I left out the “a” when texting with Dear Daughter.

She pounced on that like a typical older sister — it went about like this: Hey GLEN — mom has never forgotten my name, and therefore, I am the favorite child. HA HA!

It continued to go like that — in fact, she is still calling him Glen.

Dear Daughter was named Nicole with the intention of calling her Nikki — that never happened, and she remained/remains Nicole.

I had wanted to name her Summer Dawn — because that is a perfect name for a baby born in February. I was talked out of it. In my defense, I was still a teenager when I was thinking that was a good plan.

Dear Daughter regularly thanks the Universe that she was not named Summer Dawn, and enjoys tormenting me about this. Almost as much as she enjoys tormenting Glen — I mean, Galen.

So far, the older son, Christopher, has escaped Dear Daughter’s attention — give it time.

Back to the kittens.

Their names are Nikki Summer Dawn (orange) and Glen Christopher (black). How perfect is that?!

Happy Sunday to you.