
Congratulations are in order for Team Kiri (Sparklers) — they have a sparkling new CDX to put behind Kiri’s name. Well done, Alison and Kiri!

And speaking of Sparklers, this is Claire…

You cannot know the significance of that photo. Following her pregnancy and repeated knee surgeries, she was so broken. Certain things were just impossible for her — simple things like trotting or controlling her body enough to lie down from a stand. Nothing was easy or smooth.

I was reflected on this yesterday as we walked and I watched her trot confidently and powerfully — no limp or even slight hitch anymore. She can jump again. I am starting to believe she will be able to do a CDX — like her sister, Kiri.

Claire reminds me that a body possesses what it needs to find a New Normal. She is not the same as she was — but with time, patience, and intention the new Claire is strong, resilient, happy, and so inspiring. #gratitude

Eleven-year-old Harper B for BRRRRRR is another reason I feel so grateful.

Harper has always liked to carry things on walks — Pozy does it as well. Sometimes it is best to adapt to the dogs rather than insist they always adapt to us 🤷🏼‍♀️

Just a funny photo of another reason I feel gratitude — Capella.

Happy Monday! I hope you have much that inspires your gratitude today.