
Dear Daughter, inspired by the fun of the Missoula Half Marathon we did together in June, signed us up for a virtual Half Marathon.

A virtual Half Marathon doesn’t mean you sit at your computer and watch your avatar do 13.1 miles while you eat chocolate cake and ice cream. Although you could, I suppose. Your Virtue Scoreboard would suffer but the worthy charity would still get the donation and you wouldn’t be sore.

I guess it should probably be called, “DIY Half Marathon” or maybe “Honor System Half Marathon” because you just do 13.1 miles, log them into the website, and await your swag.

Yesterday was my official race day.

Since I have not been running lately — and it was basically a DIY Half Marathon — I decided I would do it my way. This meant the only zooming was on my computer between stretches of walking — I layered the miles into my work day, and walked all of them — with members of my DIY Half Marathon pacer team.

First up was 4+ miles with Capella — here she is encouraging me to speed things up…

And then I did an hour of Zoom before Pozy and I headed out for about two miles…

Another Zoom session and then it was Claire’s turn for two miles…

Oh Claire.

Another Zoom meeting and then Sparkle took over to keep me company on three or so miles…

Last but not least (I went youngest to oldest), Harper B for Biggest Tongue finished things up with me…

Eleven in less than two weeks!

We did it!

And then a certain pacer dog had a bath.

I love a good challenge — and I love my dogs! It was an awesome day.

Happy Friday — and good luck with your challenges today.