Heal! Stay!

Claire is not well.

She has been at the emergency veterinary clinic for 24 hours now. It started with some vomiting and progressed quickly (less than 10 hours) to who-knows-what by Saturday morning. The main issue is that her heart is not stable — this happened after her surgery in April as well.

To be clear — Claire’s heart is dangerously unstable for unknown reasons.

I am very, very worried.

Please think good thoughts for my girl. I love her so.

3:00 pm Update

Thank you for all the good thoughts. Claire is now under the care of a Rock Star Critical Care Specialist. Meds were changed and her heart rate is down, although still not as regular as one might hope. She had an echo, however, and her heart is structurally normal. Claire will be having surgery soon — there is a suspicious place in her intestine on ultrasound, possibly where a resection of a benign mass happened in April during her bloat surgery.


Meanwhile, in fire news…

It is still going and the Super Heroes are still flying. ✈️ 🚁

6 pm Update

I will have a lot to say about this at some point BUT Claire is out of surgery. Previous surgery = adhesion which created a space for a loop of bowel to go where it shouldn’t and it twisted 🤯 Diagnosis: Bowel Torsion. There is reason to be cautiously optimistic 🙏